Thursday, August 25, 2016

My Storybook Favorites

I read through quite a few Storybooks and found that the out-of-the-box ones were my favorite!


This was one of my favorites that I read. I'm all for creativity and found that the layout of this one really stood out! I'm a sucker for reality television so the Introduction really sucked me into wanting to read all of the stories. I'm not entirely familiar with the stories that were presented here, but really enjoyed learning about them in this format. The use of an "interview" was really creative and showed a lot of determination to make these stories relatable.


I want to say that this is my favorite. I absolutely love crime shows and this was a really interesting way to present these kinds of stories. I'm really not an incredibly imaginative person, so these keep surprising and impressing me immensely. As soon as I saw the title, I knew I was going to write about this one. The introduction takes on a first person narrative, which gives it a more familiar feel. This is a vantage point used in narratives often, one that I usually don't enjoy reading. I'm not sure if I would have kept reading if it hadn't been for the CSI in the title. This is a purely personal opinion; I don't like first person books either. However, after reading the stories, I loved the way this author set this up.

(Demon, web source: Wikimedia)


I know I just said above that I dislike first person vantage points, but I think this story just may change my mind. This is so well written and witty that I can easily look past my opposition to this vantage point. A fondness for the environment in which this is set also helps: a courtroom. I honestly can't say enough about the lengths that this author went to take a classic completely out of its element and transpose it into an environment that seems to have no correlation to its original one.

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