Monday, September 5, 2016

Famous Last Words: Settling into the Semester

I found myself getting lost in the first "real" week of classes. The workload has finally landed, and I'm still setting myself up with these classes. I found myself setting up a schedule for myself and my readings, as we did for this class. It's basically the only way I'm going to be able to survive.

I didn't keep up so well in this class this past week, but it's something I'm absolutely working on. I'm going to try my hardest to get ahead so I don't have to stress. This class is definitely going to challenge me, because I really am not imaginative. Writing our own stories each week is definitely going to push my imagination's limits, but it's something I'm looking forward to. I tried to change it up this week by using a different writing style, instead of straight prose. Diary entries allowed me to think in an entirely different way, so experimenting with other styles each week is something that I'll be depending on.

I'm very thankful for the extra day of the weekend, because it's allowed me to kind of calm everything down. I'm definitely trying to use my time more wisely across all of my classes. I have kind of a heavy workload this semester, with a lot (a LOT) of reading. Unfortunately, I'm kind of a slow reader so my time management skills are going to be crucial this semester.

I'm really loving each of my classes, though. I think that my schedule is kind of perfect for the kinds of classes I'm taking and the weekly requirements there are for each of them. I have one class everyday (Latin 2) and my 3 other "in-class" classes are only once a week. This is great, because I have basically an entire week to prepare. Which is great, because most of my classes have us reading an entire book a week.

I am trying to keep up with ALL of my readings this semester, and really read all of them. I love my classes; I really want to learn everything I can in each of these classes.

(Candid Picture of Me, Mid-Week; web source: Flickr)

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